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Thread: Band name help
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Old 09-29-2005, 09:49 AM   #14 (permalink)
They call me Tundra Boy
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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Why do you like daggers so much? And what is all this fire association about? You trendsters confuse me. Here are a number of band names I'm spewing from the top of my head without thinking or hesitation. If you like them, take them, if you don't then that's equally fine. If you find anything offensive then don't complain. Like I said, I don't understand you trendy kids so I don't expect to understand what kind of band names you like.

Mummy's little soldier
Life is a footballer, I am the football
She bleeds monthly
Bury the young
Girls Girls Girls
Hot all night action
Hosepipe band
Guitar strings can choke
Chickens and Drumstick
Very much awake
My cat hates me
Father signifies death
Dive Kamikaze Dive
In my dreams I am naked
Sharp things
Donny Dorko
The Computer is a void
Your face looks metallic
A circle is empty in the centre
Hands were designed to strangle
The crowd must suffer
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