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Old 06-21-2012, 06:32 AM   #4 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by Holerbot6000 View Post
Yeah I don't think I would've been much for Power Metal back in the 90's either. BUT THAT'S JUST ME! My 90's experience was all about traveling, playing Quake and collecting Merzbow cd's.

Mad props to my Metal brothers though - you guys are always SERIOUS music fans who really know your stuff. I really respect that.
I myself am a huge fan of blues rock and not just power metal, I am into folk music and everything else old or new, but growing up I am more into the modern stuff, the stuff I want to succeed and that I want to see playing live.. I can't seem to enjoy music out of someone who has been dead for 20 years, I like the music from back then, but I want to support today's bands.. I am into anything classical as well, not just the same renditions of opera music either..

One of the best hard rock, blue influenced bands would have to be The Answer.. Their music video only has 100,000 views while the newest Justin Beaver has 81 million already (and it just came out.) This is proof that the music world is indeed broken..

The best folk rock band of our time I say would have to be Blackmore's Night..

And if you want a brand new band that resembles a CLASSIC rock band, Black Spiders does a good job mixing it up..

NAVEL is a Swiss GRUNGE band, they resemble Nirvana heavily.. So if you're into 90's grunge music, this is who you should support..

Wait.. You like Arena rock? We got that in today's world as well..

I mean, the old stuff is fine, I have respect for it, but newer bands will never, ever grow if that is all we decide to like and pretend that there is nothing new out there that resembles that decade of music, just like Navel, who is clearly a grunge band (are they on the radio?) Nope, that is because that decade has passed, the old stuff is still played while the newer bands are shot down...

Mainstream rock music is currently in an Alternative Metal phase, I call it mall metal since that is pretty much Five Finger Death Punch is, one of the newer more known alternative metal bands, they are good, but not enough melody or classical influence for me and the lyrics I just cannot relate to in anyway, which is why I love Power Metal, lots of classical influence in the more symphonic metal bands.. Symohonic metal and rock music sadly, is the only genre that currently features classical music besides classical music itself, which is not very well known today.. Heather Dale and Celtic Woman are good examples of celtic music that doesn't feature any rock or metal..

Just like Folk music is becoming big in Folk Metal.. It's growing huge in Russia.. Some bands will put out acoustic folk albums on occasion, Eluveitie, Elvenking and Folkodia have all done it, I can honestly say I like their acoustic albums more than their metal tracks, but it is not as popular as metal has a far more wide range of audience than anything else.. If you're going to play folk music, you might as well play folk metal, if you're going to be classic music, you might as well play neo-classical metal, that is where your audience is..

Where else are you going to get to see a live band featuring flutes and bagpipes? They came all the way to Arizona from Russia and put on an amazing show..

For classical music, a lot of people (you don't even have to like metal.) Are really into Trans-Siberian Orchestra and you see a wide variety of people at their shows..

Really, people need to stop being so damn picky.. There is SOMETHING for everyone in today's world of music..
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