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Old 06-20-2012, 02:34 AM   #846 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: USA
Posts: 13

Alright, had to throw my list on here:

1. Jay Z

2. Notorious B.I.G.

3. Murs (not a top ten favorite for a lot of people but I think if you get a chance to really look at his full body of work you'll begin to apprieciate the amazing skill and heart of this highly underatted rapper)

4. Common

5. Cannibus (imo the most lyrically talented rapper of all time)

6. Talib Kweli

7. Childish Gambino (I realize its a tad presumptious to put such a new artist on this kind of top ten list but I really believe that if he doesen't deserve to be on a list with such an amazing talent now, he will soon.)

8. Wale

9. Immortal Techinque

10. Mos Def

There it is folks!
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