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Thread: The Weather
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Old 06-18-2012, 09:44 PM   #425 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Salami View Post
I won't lie, North America has really got the better deal when it comes to weather. The temperature's generally hotter, and when I last visited I was amazed by just how long periods of blue sky would last. I'm also fascinated by the twisters and tornados you get in some places, terrifying I'm sure but amazing to behold.
Funny, since I always thought England had lovely weather. Moderate to cool year round, mild winters, grey skies.... I just like the melancholy of it all. But then again, people do say I should live there. Our winters here in Canada are intense. We probably get an average of a foot of snow to shovel every week in the winter (in southern Ontario, at least), and temperatures have been known to drop as low as -35 C.

But I would miss sunny days on the beach and the magnificent thunderstorms and extreme weather we get here. Southern Ontario is Canada's hot spot, and we get the occasional tornado. But it's always been a dream of mine to be a storm chaser! Tornadoes have fascinated me for as long as I can remember.
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