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Thread: The Weather
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Old 06-18-2012, 01:45 PM   #11 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 171

I dislike small talk (you know "so, this weather we're having...."), but I'm betrayed by my fascination with weather.

It's grey and gloriously humid here today- 28 degrees (82 F). Calling for thunderstorms tonight (hopefully severe, we could use another extreme weather event around here, just to shake things up), and the risk is there 'till tomorrow. Can't wait until Wednesday; it's gonna be sunny and 31 degrees, feeling like 40. For Imperial countries, I think that's 88 feeling like 104. For June in Ontario, that's nice. If I could only get down to the beach that day.

My favorite time of year weather wise is from May to November. I get to keep track of the hurricane season, the tornado outbreaks, and any given severe weather event doesn't result in shoveling snow. The good times are just beginning as far as I'm concerned .
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