Music Banter - View Single Post - Smashing Pumpkins - Oceania (2012)
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Old 06-18-2012, 05:29 AM   #13 (permalink)
No Ice In My Bourbon
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Originally Posted by Zer0 View Post
I didn't go into this album expecting much, considering the wave of frustrating mediocrity that was Teargarden by Kaleidyscope, but here we go. This album isn't actually too bad. Not particularly great either but seems better than everything that Billy has released under the Smashing Pumpkins name since it was revived. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I would respect Billy a lot more if he released this under his own name as a solo project rather than under what was once one of the greatest bands of the 90's. Nothing can compare to the likes of Siamese Dream, Gish and Adore so there is no real point trying to better those albums and this album isn't going to come close either.

That said there are some good songs on this album, namely 'The Celestials', 'Glissandra' and 'Inkless', the latter has a main riff very reminiscent of early 90's Pumpkins songs like 'Hummer'. There are some very average and forgettable moments as well but overall not bad and could have been a lot worse.
To be fair, SP pretty much always has been Billy's solo name (save for Jimmy's help). But his album is actually a solid contribution from all band members. I'm really loving this album so far.
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