Hello Music Banter, this is my first post. The list below is what I remember now, maybe there is more...
My Dying Bride - 34.788%...Complete
Probably my favorite from MDB, a very experimental doom/goth album, there is nothing like it, very unique. Metal fans always want more of the same, so they changed back to their doom/goth origins.
Lou Reed - Metal Machine Music
Free improvisation with noise and electronic music, of corse people will dislike this, but I think it is very avant garde in my opinion. I've heard many stories behind the making of this record, but I think it is of great value if you consider experimental music in the 80s/90s.
Sepultura - Roots
Roots took Sepultura to stardom, they became famous everywhere in the planet, and became the most famous brazilian band outside Brazil. But in brazil, where Sepultura was already famous, most fans consider roots to be a "new metal crap". I think it is their best album, and also the last that I really enjoy by them.
P.O.D. - Payable on Death
When guitarist Marcos Curiel lft the band, they were in their peak, dominating charts everywhere. So, when they realeased Payable on Death everybody was expecting more of the same, something this wasn't. They left nu-metal out and started playing a consistent reggae-rock, way more accessible than their previous works. It's their best, in my opinion.
Metallica & Lou Reed - Lulu
I am not a fan of metallica and I don't care much about what their are doing since the load-reload phase. But their collaboration with Lou Reed is really interesting. I like it very much, and I was kind of surprised no one enjoyed a bit.