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Old 06-12-2012, 08:14 AM   #10 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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It's tough at first (for most people), but well worth it in the long run. I took the ASVAB in the 80's originally looking to go Air Force and scored very high, but got cold feet. Ended up taking a bus from Chicago to LA to join a band that never happened, and lived like a bum for 2 weeks playing guitar on the beach for food. I ended up at the Army Recruiters office in Ca. and was in DEP for 55B Ammo Spec for a week. I took the first plane out to boot camp and never looked back. Got to see the world, made some very good friends that I still keep in touch with, learned alot about myself, and self discipline, and got paid to do it all. Went to school through the GI Bill, and started a career (such as Freebase) in CAD and Engineering, and am still going strong some 20+ years later.

I'm a big fan of everyone joining the service, and unless you've been there don't knock it. As with anything... you get out of it what you put into it.
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