Originally Posted by Sparky
Janz listen to it all the way through just to be sure.
I have, several times.
Originally Posted by Sparky
If you don't like the beats your talking down on the likes of RZa, Q-Tip and others
I've always been kind of lukewarm on RZA so if he was involved it's not surprising the album wouldn't grab me. I do like Q-Tip though. Based on a quick look at Wikipedia it sounds like he was more involved in a critiquing process than directly working on the album though.
Originally Posted by Sparky
The album has a lot of ranges/colors musically, yet still has a cohesiveness that feels like Kanye(as oppose to say a Lupe album that feels devoid of anything) The first single was a King Crimson flip, pretty distinguishable sound when his contemporaries are pleased to regurgitate monolithic bass with occasional snare.
I like Kanye's cadence. I find it amusing when he says "tell peta my mink is draggin on the floor", others find it idiotic. His sound is always original and dramatically different with each release.
He is slightly overrated as a producer. All of his beats follow a similar pattern and usually dependent on a blatant vocal sample but still.
edit:me and slow groove just said the same thing pretty much
Thanks for taking the time to really articulate what you like about the album. I don't necessarily agree with your assessment (except the comment about his beats), but still it's interesting to hear.