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Old 06-03-2012, 11:37 PM   #1384 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sparky View Post
Yeah, he's being asked to do a lot. Play center and run down court both ends early every possession. He's so crucial to how they work they're offense and defense. People say Tim Duncan is playing young for his age but i think KG deserves some recognition.

Yeah Norris was great. I'm not a fan of chalmers, i think most of his drives are easy and most of shots are open looks. Should be able to get more assists.

I think miami will not consider it unless game 7.

Still can't help but feel that home advantage is the only determining factor, and so miami will win.
KG and Duncan are both playing great and personally I love seeing the old veterans turn it on. Two years ago I didn't think Duncan had much more left, and after last year I questioned KG. Two COMPLETELY different players, but the best power forwards of our time. Great coaching too for both of them, giving them enough rest in the regular season to keep them fresh enough for the playoffs.

Here's a question for anyone following this thread: KG or Duncan? Talkin about their careers, not how good they are now. That's a tough one. (and Dirk too since he's a PF, but plays such a unique style)

I think Chalmers plays pretty good defense and is a good flopper. Hits open threes and has a few nice drives each game. I don't trust Cole as much hitting those threes but I like how Cole pressures Rondo. I hate how every team plays off Rondo so much, you gotta mix it up and defend him like a usual point guard sometimes I think. No idea why teams don't do it.
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