The last couple of days, I saw these films.
The Raid: Redemption
An indonesian "swat" member finds himself pretty much stranded in a building full of criminals trying to kill him. Alright, that was pretty inaccurate, but it still should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect. It may sound a little bit like Die Hard, but it's slummier, more brutal and focuses more on action scenes. It's pretty much non-stop gun fights / fist fights from the movie gets started until the end. There's some serious martial arts talents involved here and the fight scenes were very well choreographed and a lot of fun to watch.
Quite entertaining and I'd recommend it to anyone who feel they need an action fix.
Moonrise Kingdom
Brilliant movie, just beautiful and engaging .. and so Wes Anderon! This movie focuses on a love story between 12 year old Sam and Suzy who are determined to spend the rest of their lives together. It was very funny, romantic, engaging, sometimes magical and it's just a potent mix of everything I like about Wes Anderson's films. It's like it all takes place in an alternative reality much like our own world, but not quite. As you'd expect, the casting is superb and every character is interesting to watch and you find yourself caring for basically all of them.
One of Wes Andersons best, if not
the best. At least I liked it more than The Royal Tenenbaums. Fans of Anderson who have yet to watch this have something to look forward to.
Michael Fassbender plays a sex-addict with intimacy troubles and a strained relationship with his self-destructive sister. It was a good movie, lovely scenes and superbly played by Fassbender, but I still feel like I wasn't quite able to connect with his character's obvious pain. I didn't quite understand where it was all coming from and in the end, I was left guessing.
Still an enjoyable movie and looking forward to seeing more of Fassbender when I check out Prometheus next week.