Originally Posted by Above
Just saw Prometheus. It sucked. It deliberately set itself up for a sequel so there was no conclusion, hence the ending sucked utter cock. Even if the ending was decent, the ride was mediocre anyway.
wow....have you seen Alien?.....am i the only person on earth that cares more about what that ship was doing there and what that creature with its chest burst out was?....and i am honestly 100% glad to hear that it has no conclusion....this is exactly what i wanted!!!!.....i was hoping that this film would lead to an obvious sequel would explain what the Alien is.....i cannot wait to see this movie
Originally Posted by jackhammer

The subtle humour in this film was well written and the effects were damn good but everything was telegraphed in the first 15 minutes and it all felt a little predictable. Definitely worth a watch but a prequel would be much more interesting regarding the troll's than a film that practically describes the finale in it's opening credits.
i saw this a couple weeks ago.....and agree with you 100%....the effects were great and the film as a whole was well worth watching albeit....hmmm hanging on a string of interest....the trolls were awesome though