I'd like to branch out a little here and feature a few albums from one of my favourite singer/songwriters, the late Dan Fogelberg. Most will know him, if at all, for his hits "Leader of the band", "Run for the roses", "Same old lang syne" and "Longer", but he had a tremendous output for over thirty years, releasing some of the most underappreciated albums I've ever heard, and come to love.
This was his debut, released in 1972, and while it's not perfect by any means, it does show him trying to find his way, walking a line between country, folk and emergent rock/pop. I just love the opener, always makes me feel relaxed and reborn, like the dawning of a new day.
"More than ever" is pure country (dig that steel guitar!) --- Dan would more or less drop this style on the next album and would not return to it until 1985's "High country snows".
But what he excelled at, throughout his tragically cut-short life, was ballads, love songs and gentle musical poems, like "Hickory Grove".

His next album, released two years later, would see Dan move more towards folk and the softer side of rock, while still retaining something of his country roots, with tracks like "Illinois"
the beautiful, wistful title track
and the frankly amazing "There's a place in the world for a gambler".
The next opus from Dan would hit the shelves in 1977, when I was just turning fourteen, and a long way from discovering this incredible songwriter. I must feature the cinematic opening and indeed title track
and just to prove he doesn't
only write ballads, check out "Love gone by"
But if "Sketches" doesn't bring a tear to your eye, I suggest you take off the mask and give up the pretence, cos you won't pass for a human anymore.
There's a whole lot more I could post --- and may --- but trying to exercise some self-control (never an easy thing for me), and I've a lot more in my collection to introduce to those of you who want to hear them, so I may return to Dan at a later point. The above should however give you some sort of idea as to the loss we suffered on December 16 2007.