Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
All justified.
I never went out to openly hate you or anything, but for a good while it seemed that whenever there was drama around here you were always in the centre of it, I think that put me off getting to know you directly and the only things I would hear about you is what other people would tell me, which was usually to complain about something.
If I did make any digs at you it was usually when you would complain about people doing to you exactly the things you were doing to them, a lot of it came from frustration of having the same things happen over and over again.
I think in the past few months since some certain people have been booted off or left the forum I have seen a much nicer side to you which makes me wonder if I was being too hard on you in the first place.
Anyway I'm glad we can both see though the bullsh it and recognise the good things in each other. It's a start 
Deserved or underdeserved you have a vast following of minions on this site. At least thats what it has always appeared to be. Although Ethan also had many minions, and I am not sure who had the more vast empire. Dont take it personally but Ethan might have been a little ahead. You however have not quit the site which I guess gives you an automatic win over his quitting self.