Originally Posted by Hermione
Oh I forgot:
Ki and girlfriend - No one is jealous of your relationship, especially not me. And Ki, if you feel you're allowed to whine about Urban's conduct, it's extremely hypocritical for you to attack me for criticising you for trying desperately to prove you're getting laid to internet people. And to your girlfriend, cutting down other women does not make you look better, it makes you look horrible. And the idolising serial killers doesn't make you look kewl and edgy, it makes you look unhinged and try hard.
Fair enough.
Figured i'd say something in here after taking a beating for expressing an opinion about Urban. Whether or not it was the right or wrong thing to do, I understand that it wasn't done in the most respectable manner and I should have just contacted him via PM, though a few weeks before I had posted my thoughts on him, I did send him a PM about who I was years ago and was hoping to get a response and be friends, I was left with no response, which may be due to the fact that he was busy, so i'm not even going to try to be angry or upset about that. Basically I just want to apologize to the people who were either offended by what I said to him, to him directly, and to the forum for even having to see the posts. I agree, I am a hypocrite. Most of the things I do in life would make me look like a hypocrite, and i've been told that on a number of occasions, so I take that as a "I need to work on that" sort of thing instead of a direct insult. I also unfortunately have a very short fuse, so the smallest thing that may seem like a negativity will set me off for whatever reason, and when I get into that stage of anger, I can't bring myself down, mostly for the fact that I was never taught to mellow myself out. Which has been something i've been trying to work on for years now.
As for the whole avatar size thing, I do understand that it was seen only as a guideline, and I was only going off the understanding of what I saw was a rule to follow.
With all that being said, I would again like to express my apologies again and hopefully we can all leave this behind us. It was my intention to call him out, but I did not expect for this to happen the way it did.