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Old 09-26-2005, 12:25 PM   #58 (permalink)
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To both of you ill say the following: I don't make statements to have them accepted. I say things for two reasons. I either believe them, or because im sick of the prevailing opinion. This one statement happens to be both.

To Josepy - Quitting at the top of your career means you were in it for the fame. Bands that keep playing love the music. Im interested in your opinion of "A Bigger Bang" because I don't see a problem with that CD at all. Please tell me how its the stones falling. Because its no Gimmie Shelter or Tumbling Dice. I think your high regard of the beatles is the lore and the overall vibe toward them. You're told their the greatest, so you say so. If you disagree with that last sentence, then tell me why a band must quit when they stop making hit singles.

To Boo boo- Kicking out a bunch of great albums is fine, but it doens't speak to the longevity of a bands career. They (the Stones) had a pretty good run in there and I'd like to reitterate. Are still going. Are the Beatles still able to put on an amazing show in their 60's hard to say. But we know the stones can. And by the way, When McCartney played the super bowl, he only played Bass on one of the two songs he had a bass in his hand. The Stones wouldn't ever using backing tracks for instruments.

Don't get me wrong, I love the beatles, but their no rolling stones.
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