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Old 05-26-2012, 06:34 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
Your friend goes out with her and has apparently shared details of their sex life with you. Shes attractive (something about a thick ass, right?) and because she's clearly a poor girlfriend and decides to flirt with you, you decide a) to flirt back and b) to decide to hook up with her because you want to see if your friends girlfriend really is as good in the sack as he says she is?

I know there is such a thing as temptation, I really do, but it seems to me that you have already made your decision and where you could have taken the high road, you have decided to shit all over your friend and fuck his girlfriend. Whatever way you want to look at it, that does indeed make you a dick. Sorry fella.
I guess you're right i have decided to do it ..i do feel guilty though i'm starting to distance myself from him that way the guilt goes away once me & her hook up...btw i'm only going to do it once with her that's all so it's not as bad ya know?
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