We've discussed these guys before somewhere, but I think that was when it was swing revival week.
Squirrel Nut Zippers is a band I stumbled upon back in the 90s and I instantly became a fan then. I checked out Perennial Favorites and, although I've grown a bit tired of them over the years simply from familiarity, it's still a great album. I remember I was really looking forward to the release of Bedlam Ballroom, but while it has some good songs on it, I still much prefer Perennial Favorites.
That album is full of good songs like Suits are picking up the bill, My Drag, Ghost of Stephen Foster, Pallin' with Al, The Kraken .. But I think my favourites are Evening at La Fittes and Low Down Man.
Easily my favourite swing revival band

Swing revival in general was a bit too hip I think, but SNZ were more genuine a convincing than most.