Originally Posted by RVCA
"Roughly 10%"
What? According to who? I would actually guess that this figure is significantly smaller. Closer to 1%, maybe.
And let's analyze your polling logic for a bit. So you're saying that, in regards to the popularity of the Barbarian, a poll on the game's official website, in which thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people voted, somehow provides a less reliable analysis than an anecdotal sample of "roughly 13 people" you know personally?
In any case, I've only seen one stream of Inferno mode and it was from a European team of four, each rolling a different class as you said. I would imagine that is indeed the most effective way to trudge through inferno.
Though I admit, from what I watched (and it was only Act 1), Inferno doesn't look very fun. Every 1-2 minutes of creeping through a Dungeon, the team would run into a pack of unusuals or an elite mob, stacked with 3-4 unique abilities (eg Waller, Vortex and Molten-- HOLY ****), and then they would spend 5 minutes spamming the same 3 attacks that each player had deemed most effective. They also died, a LOT.
And I understand the counterargument here-- "if Inferno doesn't look fun, don't play it! It's meant to be difficult." But here's the thing. EVEN IN Inferno, when they killed the boss of Act 1, I hadn't seen a single unique item drop. Where is the great loot? Andariel in Hell would often drop 2-3 uniques. I don't want to have to suffer through Inferno to achieve worthwhile items...
Yes. Polls are horribly inaccurate, especially if they only were allowed one vote. (I don't know what the nature of the poll was). Furthermore, what someone thought they'd like, and what they're playing currently are two very different things.
I think most folks are playing 3 to 4 toons. And the 10% count is from what the Blues routinely suggest is the percentage for the WoW forums.