Music Banter - View Single Post - Keytar - Synthesizer - Laptop Connection HELP
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Old 05-17-2012, 10:34 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 2
Default Keytar - Synthesizer - Laptop Connection HELP

Here we go: I don't know what a Synthesizer is or does, and I don't know what a Midi is or does. But I know how to play Keyboard well, (I play the piano accordion in a band) and I want to upgrade to something more visually modern with a variety of sounds and effects. (I'm glad I got over that bit). So I am looking at a Keytar with USB thingies, which, I understand won't make a sound even if you smash it ...... and I have been told that the Keytar is a Midi controller and Ineed a Synthesizer. ?????????? Mmmm ok ....
So, I will be buying the Alesis Vortex Keytar, I do have a laptop, Amplifier, PA cables and connections, etc, all from my squeeze box. Can someone please give me, (In plain, simple English,like, "This goes here", and "this goes there") a diagram, or Instructions, to connect my Keytar, to the Synth, to the Laptop, to the PA, etc. PLEEEESSEEE.

Last edited by stcassar1; 05-18-2012 at 07:15 AM.
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