Originally Posted by Blarobbarg
I feel like most people on here are pretty awesome in their own way, with the exception of Norg. Seriously, what's up with that guy? He makes cute, colorful, anime rabbit avatars look shameful.
Unfortunately, even though people on here are really awesome, I don't really feel like I fit in very well. I don't have a niche. I'm not really metal enough to be with the metalheads, I'm way too lazy to be one of the journalists, and I just sort of post randomly in everything else. I tend to lurk a lot out of a lack of things to say. Anyone have any suggestions for how to integrate myself better? Hell, I've been here for over a year now. Seems like I would have found somewhere to fit in.
Just post about what you like.
Knowing what you like and showing enthusiasm for it will gain you a lot of respect and make you well liked around here, and it beats trying to fit in anyday.