Originally Posted by Blarobbarg
Unfortunately, even though people on here are really awesome, I don't really feel like I fit in very well. I don't have a niche. I'm not really metal enough to be with the metalheads, I'm way too lazy to be one of the journalists, and I just sort of post randomly in everything else. I tend to lurk a lot out of a lack of things to say. Anyone have any suggestions for how to integrate myself better? Hell, I've been here for over a year now. Seems like I would have found somewhere to fit in.
I don't feel like I have a niche either—and I've been here for five years. It's not a bad thing. In fact, I think it's worth embracing as a symptom of broadmindedness. Personally, I think you're great member of the community here. Despite your feelings to the contrary, you're one of those rare people who seemed like a long-term member within a very short time of joining. You're intelligent, articulate and easygoing, and I really enjoy reading your posts. If you you don't quite fit any particular niche it's just because you're a unique, interesting person, not some boring stock template of music fan.