Originally Posted by Burning Down
However, this IS the Internet, and people are masked by a computer screen. It's easier to say something nasty about someone when you're not saying it directly to their face, but rather through text.
Shut up!
Originally Posted by Bam You Have AIDS
Of the 8 forums I've posted significantly on, MB is easily one of the top 3 most civil.
This is the only forum I've ever stuck with. I've had prolonged periods off but every other forum I've been a part of I've gotten bored and lost patience with it, usually down to the sheer volume of unmoderated abuse, pointless arguments and general douchebaggery. I may have been here since 2008 but believe me, I am NOT a forum person!
This place is alright. We do have dickheads but its all manageable. It's also moderated well (we'll all take a month off if you dont believe us) and so 99% of the crap gets deleted and cleared away so people can still try to enjoy it here.
Plus who wants every single person, whether it be here or in real life, to be super nice? Being nice to people is important and its a lot easier than many people will tell you it is, but there is such a thing as being too nice. If everyone breaks their back to be nice to me and everyone around them, it just makes me throw up in my mouth a little.