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Old 05-14-2012, 04:44 AM   #1411 (permalink)
Metal Connoisseur
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It's strange to feel my perception of people shift after having read most of that bit, still an entertaining read nonetheless. However, on to my first post in this here thread:

I just wanted to speak on the metal community here. Although I may not agree with all of them all the time, the core group of Unknown Soldier, Howard, Batlord, Hip Hop Bunny, Mondo Bungle, LOLPOCALYPSE, and Bastard of Young and the consistency they provide in their posting makes for a fraternal environment that I quite enjoy...that is unless one of them is female. Also, the occasional visits from Jackhammer, Janszoon, and Alfred also tend to spark up interesting conversation as well. Keep up the good work people!
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