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Old 05-12-2012, 01:46 PM   #1394 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
Sorry Urban, I know you're a good influence on MB, but if you're going to ask super black and white things of the members here, and ask Ki to provide super defined, super black and white examples of you being contrary to the rules, and provide super black and white, super defined examples of ways ki's claims aren't 100% factual in a certain way, why would you then proceed to argue against the concept of black and white rulesets and super defined approaches?

We both know that the black and white option is two things.

1 - Its not an effective way to police a forum, because it allows people to skirt the very edges of the rules while still being douchebags. Thats why the moderation here is good. Because that **** doesn't fly.

2 - It makes it extremely difficult for Ki to actually voice his opinion constructively, because you're sending him on a wild goose chase for black and white examples, when his point would be better served by taking the approach you advocate towards your own moderation.
I think you're taking two things that are totally different and saying 'well if it doesn't work for one thing it shouldn't work for the other'. Which I don't think is the case.
Plus I find it interesting you give 3 examples of where I'm being 'black & white' and yet I took no action other than asking the person quoted to either expand on what they were saying or get back to the original topic.

Also please explain this defensive thing, all i'm doing is answering various criticisms that any mod would do in this situation. You continually calling me defensive for doing that makes me think that you have some agenda or something.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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