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Old 05-12-2012, 07:41 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I wouldn't have made Ki's complaint, but even if it's unpopular, I can see that it comes from a place of love and care for this community. I then hate to see him come under massive siege and seemingly left friendless without any support.
You think so, huh? In my experience of being hated and having had my demotion called for, I can tell you very often I felt like they didn't give a fat **** about the community. They felt slighted and they wanted vengeance.

Whatever Ki's rationale is, fair or unfair, I don't think Urban's up to anything that is destroying the community. He rarely if ever posts. And to echo the sentiments of Adidasss awhile ago. At a certain point, the community needs to have standards. We can't have a garden party every time someone says they enjoy something.

People make ****ty posts. Most times they go by without comment. Sometimes someone says they're ****ty. Its not detrimental to the community. Not nearly as detrimental as allowing boring, pleasantries to dominate the boards.

You're supposed to come here to mix it up. You're supposed to post here because you've got an opinion. And when those opinions clash with other posters, you're supposed to go to battle. That what we're supposed to do. The idea that we should be ****ing nice to everyone so that when we meet up in the "Do you piss in the shower" thread we can all get a good chuckle is not only a new concept but a ****ty one. Its an artificial mechanism to make artificial friends.

The people I've met on here that I'd actually want to hang out with are the ones who's jugular I've gone for and lost.
I've moved to a new address
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