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Old 05-12-2012, 06:17 AM   #2 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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I wouldn't have made Ki's complaint, but even if it's unpopular, I can see that it comes from a place of love and care for this community. I then hate to see him come under massive siege and seemingly left friendless without any support.

I'm not saying people should agree with him. I just figure if people were a little more tolerant, this wouldn't have happened and it wouldn't have turned into an 8 page drama.

Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
He also mentioned an inconsistency with the avatar guidelines. As Urban pointed out, these are guidelines. If they are guidelines that need to be reviewed then fine, so be it. That can be looked at. I hadn't thought about it before, so thanks for bringing that up..
It says "rules" at the moment so if they really only are guidelines, that should be made clear.

Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
  • The moderators will NOT resize your avatar to the proper dimensions. That is your responsibility. For instructions on how to do this, see the "How To" portion of this thread.
  • Your avatar will NOT be larger than 175 pixels wide. We will not accept anything wider. Height isn't as important, but please attempt to keep the height to no more than 250 pixels.
  • The moderators will NOT be expected to fulfill every request. By using this thread to request an avatar change, you implicitly agree that requests will fulfilled at a moderator's discretion, and take no issue with it.
  • Please refrain from requesting excessive avatar changes. If you're asking for an avatar change every other day, your requests will be ignored.
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Something Completely Different
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