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Old 05-12-2012, 06:09 AM   #1 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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The point of this thread is, as it says, to "spill your guts" so yes, aslong as its done in a respectful, constructive manner, people can share opinions like Ki did. Thats fine.

My issue is that he presented two examples of posts Urban has made and both, in my opinion, do not include anything I would infract, ban or punish anyone for, therefore I dont understand why this has become such a debate. I think it is clear from the responses that, while divided, the vast majority cant see the problem in it. This forces me to ask why this was done here and not in a PM? Ki is not just spilling his guts, he had a very specific gripe about one member and decided to make a public spectacle of it and I doubt I'm the only one that can say I couldn't give a toss about any of it.

He also mentioned an inconsistency with the avatar guidelines. As Urban pointed out, these are guidelines. If they are guidelines that need to be reviewed then fine, so be it. That can be looked at. I hadn't thought about it before, so thanks for bringing that up..

Is that seriously it? Is that what has resulted in 8 pages of crap?

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