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Old 05-10-2012, 03:23 PM   #1344 (permalink)
Sansa Stark
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Originally Posted by Ki View Post
It's like i'm speaking to a broken record. I've posted times where i've seen you being disrespectful, and I can't be the only person who has seen it. You may think it's a joke, but a lot of people can't see that you're joking. Especially when you use a word like "retard", do you have any idea how offensive that word can be? It's not a word that should just be used lightly, it does hurt. Internet or not, I don't think it's an acceptable form of speech.
first of all,

SECONDLY, as someone who doesn't "suck Urban's dick" as you have previously so eloquently said, I've never had an issue with him where I felt I had to complain to other mods about it, and he's said somethings that are assy, but you don't see me whining about it. We may not be friendly but to his credit, what he says is almost always on point. Like he said, he was saying stuff the shoutbox was saying, or at least thinking.

Lastly, you're a fucking hypocrite. As soon as I criticise you for the loathsome lovey dovey ****, you and your creepy ass girlfriend get all antagonistic to me. Funny, you can whine about someone else, but when someone else doesn't like the shit you post, they should just deal with it. No one else is allowed to speak their minds, only you? You are not immune to criticism. And as for "me being jealous"? Gurl I lost my virginity 7 years ago, I got over it and didn't have to parade it all around the internet for everyone to see. Sit the fuck down.
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