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Old 05-10-2012, 11:07 AM   #1314 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
The Sexual Intellectual
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Originally Posted by Ki View Post
I'd love for someone to tell me why Urban is just allowed to say whatever he wants. Considering he breaks a few rules in the process, like:
Oh this should be good

I get that he's been here a long time, but that doesn't give him the right to not have to follow rules. His avatar is obviously bigger than what the set requirements are. When Conan had his avatar too big, he was told to remove it, but when Urban uses a bigger avatar, it goes unnoticed.
Actually NSW's avatar is bigger than mine & she's had it for months. I don't think either of us had had any complaints about it from anybody so why would I take it down?

As for it breaking rules when the dimensions were discussed in the mod forum they were discussed as a guideline, not a rule and that's how I've always enforced it. Other people have asked me to upload avatars that are just slightly bigger than the guidelines and I've always done it for them.
If some mods want to adhere to those guidelines as a rule it's up to them and I don't ever recall being asked to take a vote on whether those guidelines should be enforced as a rule so that's how I shall continue to enforce it.

I'd also love to know why he's allowed to say things like this:

Who the hell are you?
That for one is not a very warm welcome to a new member. I don't see how noobs are meant to stick around when he can just run around like he does.
Ironically you missed out the rest of the conversation when I was nice to this person after they replied.

If there was such a site called I'm beginning to think it closed last week.
Again, calling out the new members. How is the community supposed to grow with comments like that.
I didn't call anybody out, I didn't name anybody it was just an observation lots of idiotic threads were being started. Anyone can make those observations if they like. I wasn't saying anything that a lot of members were saying in the shoutbox already, shall I infract all of them for saying that too?

I have kept my mouth shut since i've been here, but his attitude is not healthy to the forum. I also hope this post doesn't just get deleted, i'm speaking my mind about a member, mod or not. He shouldn't have the privelage he thinks he has because he's been here a long time.
Say what you like, It doesn't bother me.

Urb's RYM Stuff

Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.
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