Originally Posted by Ki
That doesn't excuse the fact that he's supposed to be setting an example for new members of the community. If he doesn't follow the rules around here, the new members notice that they can say whatever they want, but than they get in trouble for it. I don't see how that's very "structured" in terms of newcomers.
I think the disconnect is that we are from a time when MB was pretty much a free-for-all in terms of discussion and language, and community ethics and standards were member-enforced as opposed to being uselessly posted and retributively maintained. I am a supporter of the notion that if you wish to become a respected member of a forum, you should learn the in's and out's of what is acceptable and what isn't from interactions with the community itself. When someone crossed the line, we let them know by taking them aside and warning them about their actions. No one set examples for me, or most older members here. We just learned about each other and dealt with our differences in witty, often times "insulting" or "offensive" ways, yet we still had discussions that were illuminating and fun.