Originally Posted by The Batlord
Whether he breaks the rules or not, I think he adds more to this place by way of his quirkiness than half the other members of this site combined. I care more about the site itself than rules that, frankly, don't need to be followed to the letter since this is the ****ing internet and who cares? Besides, most people who can't take a little crap from some random dude on the internet without running off to go cry in their room tend to be faceless and pointless members of a forum anyway.
This. Though I'm still butthurt at Urban for wanting me banned so badly before, I can't deny the guy is pretty much the face of MB. Personally, I get more annoyed by his lamentations for the good old days than I do his insults, cause I know he's not serious about them.
I think the rules should be modified that in order to insult someone, you have to do it in a funny way. That way Urban's not breaking any 'rules', and he can't get called out for them.