spent lst night stood at the bar of a pub drinking ale and yabbering on to the bar staff and customers. One guy came in and ended up telling me he went to school with Robert Smith and had a fight with him. He also insisted Matthew Hartley was with the Cure for several albums when I know for a F.A.C.T that he was only there for the 17 seconds album. He also talked about being 'in', not his word, with the Brighton underwold and I didn't quite know what he meant and thought he meant the gay scene and said as much. Strange thing is after he'd finished his pint he didn't order another one and stood there talknig to me for a good 20 mins before leaving. I think he was hoping I was so drunk I'd buy him one. I wasn't. I might have done but I'd already decided he wouldn't be the kinda guy I could be good friends with. Oh yeah and he knew a guy who made guitars for Steve Howe.
Proper music for proper people!!!
Last edited by Flyingpig437; 05-10-2012 at 03:38 AM.