Originally Posted by tore
Finally saw Jacob's Ladder ..
I've had it for ages, but it took a while for me to get around to actually watching it. Part of the reason, I believe, is because I've often seen it compared to The Machinist which I thought was good, but not entirely to my tastes. In The Machinist, although Bale did an excellent job, I found I didn't care that much for his character. The twist wasn't all that and I didn't like that it came across as a sort of "feel bad" movie.
Jacob's Ladder is similar in some ways. When you first start watching it, it seems to be about this guy whose reality is coming apart, but Jacob's Ladder really was brilliantly done I thought. The characters had much more room for drama and I really wanted for things to turn out well for the lead character (played by Tim Robbins). All the weird stuff going on early in the movie really caught my interest and by the end of it, I had that revelation which led me to understand most of the scenes that had left me pondering earlier.
Great film and it instantly became one of my favourites. I'm already looking forward to a second viewing. 
I am really surprised that you have only just watched this! Glad you did though as it's one of the most intriguing films to come out of Hollywood for over 20 years.
Directed by Adrian Lyne (9 and a half weeks) and scripted by Bruce Joel Rubin (Ghost) who would have thought that such a collab would come up with this? Really good film that never really got the attention it deserved.