Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
Was it any of these:
1) You were a fan of the franchise in your youth and you saw how a TV show about cars that turn into robots was somehow warped into a movie about a guy in his early 20's trying to get laid?
2) A movie Michael Bay had no interest in making
3) A movie where the titular characters get very little screen time in favor of Michael Bay jerking off the US Military
4) A Michael Bay movie?
Every. Single. One.
Originally Posted by tore
Finally saw Jacob's Ladder ..
One of my favorite movies. Everything you said was pretty much spot on. The movie just appealed to everything I'm into. One thing I loved was the fact that there really wasn't a lot of special effects, but the result was creepy as hell. For example the jerking heads. No special effects, just sped up camera work. The truly creepy moments in cinema are the most real, not generated by computers.