Originally Posted by bob.
what ever you are saying there....you are right.....Sade was a real (insert any foul word)....keep in mind what word is rooted in his name
but you cannot just dismiss his books as Sadistic pornography and this one in particular is really not written that way (or at least not so much in my opinion....Justine is much worse for that aspect) but the philosophy in his writing should not be ignored very few people have been willing to express mankind for what they are capable of and really grasp the concept of "will of power"....and the corruption in everyone's soul
and this book is a real joy to read while riding on public transportation
i love Jörg Buttgereit's movies  ....again like Sade....there is more there than meets the eye
I tried this with Bataille's
Story of the Eye but nobody said anything except some hipster dude who probably knew about it from that Of Montreal song.