Originally Posted by PoorOldPo
I don't believe in ghosts or anything like that even though I'd love to, but I do believe in Cryptids. The only ones I've personally witnessed are animals existing far outside the ranges they're supposed to be in. When I was in NE Missouri people at the bar would occasionally show off photos of cougars caught on those motion-activated hunting cams you set up in the woods. That and I'd run into the remains of large deer that were, in the middle of the forest, not during hunting season, that were just.... mutilated. Dunno what could have done that.
I've had other encounters that don't quite qualify as cryptids, but are strange none the less; black widows,
huge Brown Recluse spiders (as in, I'd step on it, and the legs would be coming out either side of my boots!), huge ****ing snakes (i swear, approaching five feet), and various random genetic mutations like albino pheasants.