I've never watched "Being Elmo," but will do so immediately. It is now in my Netflix queue!
Haven't heard of the Snuff Puppets either. Just watched a few of their videos. Definitely a lot of skill, not sure what I think about a giant puppet flashing a bunch of people in public though lol.
And finally, anyone heard of Avenue Q? A musical taking Muppet-style puppets and putting them into semi-realistic life situations. The play takes on controversial subjects like racism, porn, self-loathing, homosexuality, suicide and a whole lot more. Have not had the opportunity to see it, it's never been near me, but the songs on Youtube are fantastic and the puppeteers have got some real chops. Apparently the play is somewhat autobiographical, with the main character being the person who wrote the play. It ends with the protagonist deciding that his life's purpose is to write a musical.