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Old 05-04-2012, 08:47 PM   #78 (permalink)
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1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles - Today - I can understand how it changed pop music but definitely over-rated and never been one of my favorites by The Beatles.

2. Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys- Yesterday - At first i thought it was another album praised by the critics that i wasn't going to see the beauty in. Well I was wrong every single song off it is amazing..definitely not for everyone though mostly for avid music listeners not "don't bore us straight to the chorus" listeners.

3. Revolver - The Beatles- Today

5. Rubber Soul - The Beatles- Today - The Beatles album that got me into the group. If it wasn't for this album we would've never got pet sounds, that's it.

6. What's Going On - Marvin Gaye- 5 Months Ago - I never been a big fan of Marvin Gaye or Motown but I must admit this album is a masterpiece.

7. Exile on Main Street - The Rolling Stones- Last Week - It took me a whole year to even get into this album but once i became a hardcore stones fan i learned to appreciate it and eventually I grew to love it..really important album in their catalog.

10. The Beatles ("The White Album") - The Beatles- Today - The album is so mismatched there are songs i love and songs i absolutely hate.

11. The Sun Sessions - Elvis Presley- Two Days Ago - He's the king of rock for a reason anyone that's not familiar with his work check this out.

14. Abbey Road - The Beatles- Has a special place in my heart.

17. Nevermind - Nirvana- 5 Years Ago - Good album by over-rated band.

20. Thriller - Michael Jackson- 2 Years Ago - Every song off this album is great definitely a special album for me as a child. *moonwalking*

28. Who's Next - The Who- 2 Months Ago - Not my favorite by the who but do love every song on this album...The Who Sell Out is better imo.

29. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin- Last Month - As crazy as this is going to sound i like 4 Led Zeppelin albums more than this. Still a nice effort from one of the best groups to do it.
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