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Old 04-29-2012, 09:51 AM   #12 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by The Bullet View Post
@Dave, my respect for you just doubled.
@Hal, just to let you know, I really won't be offended if you don't listen to everything I just posted in my... thing that I wrote when I was stilll trying to wake up, having had insomnia last night.
Haha, I know the feeling. Don't worry I will take a stroll through some of it at least.

Originally Posted by The Bullet View Post

First of all, I need to ask you, when you hear music, can you identify some sort of mood that it conveys? I'm not asking if you can feel that mood. I can see you can't, but do you know what mood its trying to convey?
I believe I can, having not conferred with others on this, I can't guarantee that I'm getting the inferring the right emotion from the music, but I believe that I can.

Feeling the message of the music can only come after knowing the message of the music, which can both change throughout a song, be conveyed by rapidly changing moods in the song (the stuff that comes to my mind for this one isn't for a noobie, but still) or slowly be painted by a song.
That makes sense.

Second of all, you said music can add to a movie, but why can it? Can it paint an image in your mind that's strikingly close to what you see on screen? I definitely see pictures in my mind when I listen to music.
The prime example I would give here, is the Jaws soundtrack, on it's own it doesn't illicit thoughts of sharks, but it does build suspense, when combined with the imagery it makes for a more suspenseful scene than the images alone or the music alone.


which could be your problem. Charts literally make music for people like you execpt in denial who think they both like music AND can dance. They have their place, it isn't helping a guy discover music.
That makes perfect sense, but as I don't really know where to go to find music, without having some pre-existing frame of reference, I'm at a loss about where to start.

I don't really know where to go from here execpt post a bunch of music I think is awesome that hopefully you might too. Other MB'ers will laugh at me because my knowledge of music is minimal compared to theirs, but nonetheless, here I am visiting the top part of this post after the rest of it done wondering if I'm insane for taking the time to compile all this (basically my entire taste) for someone who probably won't care at all. Oh well, as much as I'm twitching my eye angry at myself that I was... in a way, cocky enough to do this, thinking my taste was so awesome, I just did it, so I'm gonna post it. I'd be surprised if you didn't find something anyways, and if nothing else, I have a nice little Bullet compilation now... Here goes...

Note: These songs really depend on sub-bass, and I'm not entirely sure earbuds support frequencies low enough to play these fairly. Ipod earbuds and laptop speakers def won't. At the very least, the Skream would be as butchered as a violin concierto without the violin. If your speakers can FAIRLY play the bass in thing, as in, you can clearly hear the notes sustain, you're fine.

If not, I understand that you won't go out and buy even a cheap pair of headphones because its worthless to you (though hopefully by the end of this post it will be worth something,) so, I don't know, skip this section until you can borrow them from a friend or something? You could probably play these in your car or something.
I actually do have a good (In my opinion) pair of Sennheiser headphones, which I use for watching films occasionally, so I'll break them out

I'll give some of this stuff a listen, later on this evening and get back to you
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