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Old 04-24-2012, 06:19 PM   #18685 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Zer0 View Post
I love Flyingpig's posts in this thread.
Thanks. I'm from oop North as someone else has said. I know my posts are a bit garbled but that's 'cause my brains a bit garbled and I can't be arsed trying to ungarble them.

A/w following on from the guy i posted about earlier...I woke up this morning went to the toilet that we all have to share who live in the bedsits in this house and found a cop stood in the hallway looking a bit lost. He asked me which room I was in and after resisting the temptation to say well the one I've just come out of you thick twat I said Flat 6! The guy across the landing has been the sourse of some trouble over the past day or so but I was surprised the cops got involved 'cause all that's happend is somone's smashed a window in the front door.

Also today has been somewhat momentos! I've finally got over my 4 yrs. long obsession with Helen by realising I've fallen for somone else! I'd met her on 2 seperate occaisons...once when I was drunk and offered to **** her for all the loose change I had in my pocket about £2.50 and once when she was in a heroin induced coma slumped against a signpost when I tried to reviver her, calling her Sue...cause she had Sue tatooed on her hand (she's actually called Cheryl) while one of these Civilian warden type people stood by telling me that he'd rung the cops and they'd said they weren't going to come, presumably 'cause they'd got fed up of having to do it, and the ambulance people were likewise refusing to come although that Civil Warden guy or w/e he is said he'd try them again and then tonight I met her again and we walked into town togheter. I told her I was sorry I'd offered to **** her for £2.50 when I'd first met her...she's on the game btw and had approached me to 'do buisness' and then I told her I'd found her slumped against a signpost a few days later to which she said she had epilepsy which is obvioulsy a lie then I said i was just glad to see her alive and well 'cause I was worried about her. Then we shook hands and introduced ourselves and she invited me to a party and told me she wanted my # which I didn't give her although now I wish i had, and I bought her some chips and kebab meat then she told me she wanted to know which pub i was going to to watch the match in so she come and give me a fiver after she'd ****ed a few punters, she didn't actually use those words or anything like it but that's what she meant, so I told her the pub then we hugged and I left her in the kebab shop.
n.b-The pub I thought would have the match on didn't so i had to go to another so I don't know if she went to it or not...i thought about just going back and waiting but I've not fallen for her so much that I'd walk out of a Barca Chelsea Champions league semi-final plus she's a junky whore who's inetvably going to be massively unreliable.
Proper music for proper people!!!
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