Originally Posted by Jonah
It's all about having fun. It's not to be taken seriously. If you don't want to get hit....get out of the way... I do...simple as that. Respect things around you. You shouldn't knock what they're doing...it's a form of expression. Art. Let it be.
i go to shows to have fun too...if YOU dont want to get hit, then watch what the hell your doing.
"respect things around you" - exactly..
dont go flailing your arms and legs like a 3 year old having a seizure into crowds of people that are standing around watching..hell even respect the other kids in the pit, if someone kicks me whether im in the pit or standing around ****s gonna hit the fan in more ways than one, the last thing I want to do at a show is spend all my time watching these douche bag jock ninja wannabes that cant control themselves instead of the band.