hardcore dancing = anyone who hates it can lick mah stick k? the people who dont like it are the ones who havent done it before, they think they look cool swinging their long hair around in a circle and shoving their drunk ass loser buddies.... well lemme tell you, there is no better way at a concert to totally feel the music than to spin kick someone in the goddamn face.... and 2stepping... mhmm is probably the most fun activity (aside from sex OF COURSE) on the face of the earth.... yes my friends, hardcore dancing is better than cake... and not much is better than cake... (also the kids who hate it are the nu-metal kids who cant necessarily grasp it, and people laugh at them when they try and do it

Never shall innocent blood be shed. Yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The three shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of God. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.