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Old 04-18-2012, 01:24 PM   #4 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Most people hate the way they sound because your voice is far different when listening from outside your head. What I mean by this is that ones voice is much deeper and resonant when singing because the bones in the jaw and head vibrate and the treble frequencies are not coming out as much. So when practicing its a great idea to have a recorder of some kind so you can gauge what your voice will be sounding like to others and adjust it accordingly depending on how you want to sound.

The best singing advice I ever got was from a piano teacher I used to have. He would sit you down in front of a keyboard and randomly start hitting intervals. You would have to then sing that interval and proceed to go up or down by that interval checking yourself against the piano. This not only helps you pitch match but it teaches you to recognize common chord changes and intervals in most popular music (or whatever style you are learning)

Lastly most people overlook the simple parts of singing. Sure with practice anyone can sing somewhat well, BUT things like posture, hydration, openthroat make all the difference. Dont hunch over, sing from your deep in your throat lungs not your mouth. And most important of all WARM UP. Do some do re fa so la ti do type scale excersizes to warm your voice up. When a guitarists picks up his guitar for the first time before a show they dont start of playing eruption. Loosen up and work up to the point of being comfortable.

I realize I didnt completely answer you question because I think you already know the answer to it. Practice anything and you will become good at it. Just follow the basic singing tips I mentioned (most you already knew Im sure) and your progress will go super fast. The internet is your friend, use it if you have questions about a technique. I remember seeing a video you posting where you were singing, so you obviously know a little bit already. Just practice the right way and it will come.

ps. I did a double take seeing a thread created by you. Thought we lost you to life and the real world.
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