I gave up smoking after god knows how many years, I could be an arrogant prick about it and look down my nose at those still hooked to their cancer sticks, but I don't because I've been through it and know how difficult kicking a bad habit can be, I'd say I owe most of it to having enough free time to change my daily routine, I'm confident that most people can't afford that same luxury.
Preaching does nothing to help those caught in unhealthy routines, I'm fairly sure most of them don't need you to point it out to them that they could lose a few pounds or they could make a few changes to their diet. It takes a bit optimism for someone to give enough ****s about their own health to get through a change in lifestyle, which would be stressful enough without a job or kids to work around. Making them feel guilty about it certainly won't help them find that optimism.