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Old 04-10-2012, 09:53 PM   #11 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
I'm not trying to step on anyone's shoes here or tell the mods how to do their job, but I do have a question. Why is it ok for posters to insult certain members (hip hop bunny hop) without it being a big deal, but I feel if those same words were used agaisnt a mod things wouldn't be so pretty. I know he has his controversial viewpoints that get under people's skins, but I don't see him resorting to namecalling in defending his positions, and his arguments aren't ever baseless.

Also, I'm certainly not innocent when it comes to breaking the rules every now and again. But it seems like hhbp gets a lot more **** than he deserves and should be excused... and it's acceptable because, well, it's hhbp. Just my opinion.

Also he probably doesn't give two ****s about this
From my own perspective, I'd say that a majority of blatant insults go unpunished simply because we can't realistically come across all of them. If you have any rule-breaking behavior to report, please do so, and we will determine if it breaks any rules.
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