Sparks - No. 1 In Heaven
With Sparks, naturally it's hard to find that "one album" that a new listener should hear. Though, in my opinion, No. 1 In Heaven is exactly that. Not to mention the album altogether is nearly flawless from front to back.
Speaking in terms of the album on vinyl, the first side of the record is far more superior than the second side, for many reasons. For one, the first side has tracks like Tryouts For The Human Race, Academy Award Performance, and La Dolce Vita. Anybody with a liking for something upbeat and fun will surely find these tracks enjoyable if not favorable:
The second side however isn't as strong as the first, as I mentioned. It's pretty great, but it's not all entirely fantastic. It has tracks like Beat The Clock, which in my opinion is a great song, but sounds way too boy band-ish and pop'ish for it to be included on this album. Don't be too worried though, the rest of the second side is pretty fantastic and matches up to par with the expectations you may or may not have for the album altogether. Tracks like My Other Voice and The Number One Song In Heaven. My Other Voice is a very cool laid back track that isn't too overwhelming and gives you a pretty good listen to Russell's vocal style, and gives you a sort of "easier" exposure to their talent as a group together. The Number One Song In Heaven is also a good representation of what I said for My Other Voice, but it also has the task of being a pretty damn good closing track for the album, and it is. Which leads me into the layout of the tracks on the album.
Side 1-
Tryouts For The Human Race
Academy Award Performance
La Dolce Vita
Side 2-
Beat The Clock
My Other Voice
The Number One Song In Heaven
The track layout is something I would have chosen for the album if I had heard the songs at random. They put all the energetic and more fun listening tracks on the first side, and slowly transition into the more mellow/easy to let go tracks on the second side. Leaving you with a pretty good listening experience for the album as a whole.
I personally wouldn't rate this as their best album released, but it definitely takes the cake for being one of the top 5 if not top 3 albums in their entire collection. Only reason I don't find it to be the best of the best is because you still have releases like Kimono My House and the self titled Sparks album, which I recommend just as much as I recommend this album.
And to close, you've definitely got a strong recommendation from me for this album.