Cheers Thom and Kayleigh, two of my favourites too.
Originally Posted by Howard the Duck
Goofle11 - solid enough music taste, but too sarcastic and snide much. There is of course much pride in my only adoptee that still posts, but some of his posts are just too "reactionary".
Fair enough. I have been posting too much on my phone, which means I have to write either my silly one liner or something that doesn't even make sense, especially since I am drunk 25% of the time I am awake. Going to start forcing myself to make genuine posts when necessary.
I don't consider myself "reactionary" at all though. I hardly ever react to anything. I am probably the only person on this board who couldn't care less about the whole April Fools thing as well.
I would like to thank all the mods on what they do. I think the April Fools joke earned some well deserved begged for credit. Mans gotta do what mans gotta do.