Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
I'll take a shot.
BOB- Seriously one of the coolest guys on a message board. Away from the board i could seriously see him being a good friend. Always has something nice to say to everyone, and one of the guys that is well liked by just about everyone on the site.
Anticipation- Pretty cerebral guy with a great take on most things. Always very studious in his approach to posting. Hope he sticks around he seemed a lil perturbed at the april fools joke.
Janszoon- Probably my favorite mod although i tend to like the mods in general. His taste in music is similar to mine on occassion. I like his sarcasm at times. He also has a great approach to posting and is pretty good at playing devils advocate.
Big 3- One of those guys you either love or hate it seems. I like his contributions and he creates some threads that are very entertaining and polarizing, this is a good thing.
Dude I love you, you are easily my favorite poster to come around in a long while.