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Old 04-01-2012, 02:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Sparks


A group featuring the Mael brothers: Ron Mael and Russell Mael

Legitimately surprised to not see a thread about these guys. One of the finest examples of pop rock I've heard in a long while. Or synth pop. Or Rock. I guess it just depends on the album you're listening to. Anyway, I would consider this to be an acquired taste. Though, it didn't take me long to enjoy them.

As far as albums go, they've released 22 studio albums from 1971 to 2009. If you're just looking for an album to start with, my recommendation would be No. 1 In Heaven. Out of most of their albums, it's one of the easier albums to stomach. Once you've got a feel for it though, all their albums will flow very easily. They've hilarious, they're witty, and they're full of talent.

No. 1 In Heaven

The album has 6 tracks. Out of all 6, I would say these 2 are the best.

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